Get in touch

Our Central Team

The central team supports schools within PPAT with the following services:

  • School Improvement Support from our School Improvement team
  • Financial expertise, stability and advice
  • Payroll and Pension Management
  • Central procurement and contract provision for trustwide services achieving economies of scale, high quality provision for all schools and best value
  • Governance Leadership, training, advice and guidance
  • Health and Safety officer support and guidance
  • Support with estate management and capital funding bids to enhance school sites and futureproof the provision
  • HR, Legal, Accountancy and Asset Management Support

The central team also provides bespoke support to schools outside of the trust upon request:

  • School Improvement support
  • CEO and CFO support
  • Single Central Record support and audits
  • HR Advice
  • Personnel files set up and audit
  • Safeguarding Audits
  • Policies and handbook support
  • Governance advice and guidance
  • Financial procedure support and audit templates
  • Budget preparation and monitoring
  • Health and Safety support and guidance
  • Premises compliance and management
  • Estates Management support
  • Site Manager support
  • local support

If you require support with a service that is not listed then please contact us and we will be happy to work with you.

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