Get in touch


Please click below to view any of the Trust-wide policies listed below. For school level policies reflecting school ethos and values and school accessibility plans please see the individual school websites. All documents available on request.

Pupil AUP KS2

Pupil AUP Foundation/KS1

Complaints Procedure 2024 to 2025

Anti-bullying Policy Apr 2022 - April 2024

Appraising the Performance of Non-Teaching Staff 2024

Assessment Policy July 2024 - July 2025

Capability Procedure for Non-Teaching Staff Nov 2023

Capability Procedure for Teachers Jan 2024 - Feb 2025

Charging and Remissions Policy

Child Protection and Safeguarding Policy 2023 - 2024

Confidentiality Statement Jan 2024 to Feb 2025

Curriculum Policy July 2024-2025

Data Protection and FoI Policy September 2023

Digital Photography and Images Policy September 2023 - 2024

Dignity at Work Code of Practice Jan 2024 to Feb 2025

Directors' Behaviour Statement Policy July 2023 - July 2026

Director and Governor Expenses Policy July 2023 - July 2026

Director & Governor Visits Policy July 2023 - July 2025

Disciplinary and Appeals Policy 2024 - 2025

ECT Induction Arrangements and Support Staff Probation Policy 2023 - 2024

Early Years Policy Sept 2023-2025

Flexible Working and Work-Life Balance Jan 2024

FOI Publication Scheme and Explanatory Note July 2024 - July 2025

Gifts and Hospitality Policy Jan 2021 - 2024

Grievance Procedure 2024 - 2025

Health and Safety Policy June 2024

Leave of Absence Provisions 2024 - 2025

Managing Allegations of Abuse made against Teachers and other Staff Nov 23

Mediation Guidance May 2023 - May 2024

Medical Policy - Dec 2023

Packed Lunch Policy December 2021 - 2024

Pay Policy November 2023

Prevention of Radicalisation Statement July 2024 - September 2025

Recruitment and Selection Policy 2024

Redundancy Redeployment and Premature Retirement Procedure

School Staff Code of Conduct Policy inc staff expectations Sept 2023 - Sept 2024

Sickness Absence Management Policy

Social Media Policy January 2023 - 2025

Special Educational Needs and Disabilities Policy Jan 2024- Feb 2025

Staff, Director, Gov & Vol Digital Technology AUP Sept 2023 - 2024

Suspension and exclusion policy 2023 - 2024

Teacher Appraisal Policy 2023-24

Whistleblowing Policy Sept 2022 to Sept 2024

Privacy Notices

Privacy Notice - Academy Recruitment

Privacy Notice - Directors and Governors 2023

Privacy Notice - Nursery within school

Privacy Notice - Pupils and Parents

Privacy Notice - Visitor

Privacy Notice - Volunteer

Privacy Notice - Workforce

Admission Arrangements for PPAT schools

2025 - 2026

Ash C of E Primary School

Countess Gytha Primary School

Hambridge Primary School

Huish Episcopi

Kingfisher Primary School

Manor Court Community Primary School

Middlezoy and Othery Primary Schools

North Cadbury Primary School

Pen Mill Infants and Nursery Academy

Preston CofE Primary School

2024 - 2025

Countess Gytha

Huish Episcopi


Manor Court 

North Cadbury 



Middlezoy and Othery

Pen Mill

2023 - 2024

Countess Gytha


Huish Episcopi


Middlezoy & Othery

Manor Court 

North Cadbury


Admissions during the academic year

Applications during the academic year must be submitted directly to the individual school using an in-year application form available from the school. Please visit the schools’ websites for more information. 

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